Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

This is one of the last times Jim could take his mother, Olga, with him while he was working - he was photographing a prairie in Iowa for a National Geographic magazine assignment. 

Jim's prairie roots run deep in his veins. When he was born, his parents lived on a farm in southwestern Minnesota just one mile east of Touch the Sky Prairie National Wildlife Refuge.  His early formative years were spent in that vast prairie landscape. His mother also grew up on a farm located just below the Blue Mounds State Park cliff.

All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. - Abraham Lincoln

Happy Mother's Day

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Nature Conservancy Green Tie Affair

 Jim was honored to be the speaker at the Green Tie Affair for The Nature Conservancy in Minneapolis, Mn.  More than 500 guests feasted on fare from local waters, forests and prairies, followed by a stunning visual presentation by Jim. The evening ended with a live auction which exceeded The Nature Conservancy's fundraising goal.

The Nature Conservancy has played a prominent role in Jim's photographic career.  In the mid 1970's, Jim received a grant to photograph The Nature Conservancy prairies.  Jim later brought these images to National Geographic magazine; thus began his tenure with Geographic.  
Jim photographing avocets on Samuel H. Ordway, Jr. Memorial Preserve, South Dakota
Avocets - One of the images taken during the assignment.
Jim Brandenburg on assignment in Namibia for National Geographic magazine, wearing The Nature Conservancy hat

The Green Tie Affair was a benefit to preserve nature and the valuable resources it provides to all of us.  The Nature Conservancy is the leading conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people.