Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tettegouche Arch (Revised)

Day 19 ~ Looking for the Summer ~ July 9, 2003

A Lake Superior icon, and one of the subjects from Jim's Looking for the Summer project, has fallen.  The sea arch at Tettegouche State Park collapsed last week leaving behind a stone pillar. 

August 28, 2010 ~ photo by Jim's grandson, Lindsey Brandenburg (age 12)

Park officials are currently looking for past photos of Tettegouche’s sea arch to create a photo chronology of the changes the arch has undergone in through history.  For more information on the sea arch or the photo chronology, please visit Tettegouche State Park.


  1. Sad. But that just illustrates that even though we think of rock features as permanent features of the landscape on a geological scale they are as ephemeral as the mayfly.

  2. My sister recommended your page. I’ve bookmarked your site.


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