Friday, July 2, 2010
Children's Hospital & Clinics of Minnesota
We are honored to be participating in Children's Hopsital & Clinics of Minnesota Arts & Healing Urban Renewal Project. Children’s is in the middle of the most ambitious redevelopment in its history, investing more than $300 million to renovate and expand facilities to improve patient care. With this redevelopment comes an opportunity to use architecture, landscaping, science, and art in a way that will transform the health care experience for patients and families. At the same time, this arts and healing initiative will enhance the neighborhoods that Children’s is a part of, creating healing spaces that will be assets to the community.
Jim's work will provide positive distractions, educational fun, and relief from pain by bringing beauty and delight to patients and families at a critical time in their lives. His work will be featured on the second floor in surgical waiting exam rooms and pre-op and post-op recovery rooms in the Pediatric Surgery Center. Another group will be on the third floor in private patient rooms, acting as a window to the world for families who can spend weeks with infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit that are
premature and/or need surgery.
For more information on the Arts & Healing Renewal Project, please visit www.childrensmn.org.
I've been enchant when I was a child by your pictures and so your words. You are one of the person who gave the right to understand why wolves where so important to my soul, delighting my heart day after day since I was 5 years old. And I become an adult and never I forgot your work. But today, over the respect that I have for the world famous reporter/photograph that you are, with that hospital project, I know for good why I've been delight by yourself when I was a child : not only by your Love for wolves and attention to Sister Nature & Mother Earth coherence or just by your pictures and writing ; surely not only for those reason but because you are an enchanting angel/human being.
ReplyDeleteBe bless M Brandenburg ... Here, I post for you one of the poems that I wrote for wolves
(In french!:o)
Un cantique d’or :
Sous les semelles de ses pas feutrés
Il passe, emporté par tous les vents,
De monts en plaines, sur bien des sentiers,
Il est, bel enfant de la lune, itinérant,
Pourvu d’une joyeuse grâce sans age, Affamé de liberté, il en est un hommage
Et son chant, ce cantique aux étoiles,
A la nuit, une antienne qui la dévoile,
Vole sans fin le long de vastes rivières
Bordées des arbres en reprenant sa prière !
Dans ses yeux, à jamais éclaboussé d’or,
S’y écrivent bien des poèmes de Vie
D’autres, épelant magnifiquement la Mort,
Et toujours, son chant, enfante l’écho infini
Résonant dans la noble demeure du silence
Ayant seul le don d’une communion d’Amour,
Cette largesse de l’honorer avec tant d’aisance,
Dans son domaine de février, Sirius court,
Mordille, l’apparent sommeil, tendrement l’aimée
Donnera vie en la saison des morts, déjà ressuscités.
Dans ces voyages sauvages aux pas feutrés
Poils léchés par la neige, tête baissée, cœur altier,
Il promène un chant puissant, court alors l’onde
Par voix de lune, jusqu’à la Mère du Monde,
Enfant de la Nuit, gardien du grand portail,
Equilibriste né sur l’argent tranchant de la faucille,
Il accompagne les âmes sur la voie de l’incommensurable
Guide aisé des neuf milles sentiers obscurs vers l’ineffable,
Il est le noble frère sirusien des seuls prophètes de la Mort
Avec ses yeux couleur d’amour, reflet sublime de son cœur d’or !
Auteur : Stéphane Le Pierres / Universalis (Tous droits réservés) : 21 02 1988
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ReplyDeleteI just wanted to post a thank you for participating in the Children's Hopsital & Clinics of Minnesota Arts & Healing Urban Renewal Project. Touch the Sky Quartzite hangs in our daughters room and every time I visit it is a gentle reminder of growing up on the prairie and a calming presence amongst all of the alarms and worries. Thank you again for capturing such beautiful images that allow us to escape in a tiny NICU room.
ReplyDeleteGrateful to the author’s share. Interesting things – hope you can pst anthor things for this have a nice day.